Laughter is the best medicine. What are the benefits of laughing? Here are 10 other reasons why laughter is great for you.
Have you ever found yourself in a stressful situation, and just began to laugh?
I have.
I have even forced myself to fake laugh until the real laughter came. I know it might seem like a cliché, but sometimes laughter is truly the best medicine.
So go ahead and break into that smile and laugh! Share a moment with others, and don’t be afraid to laugh your heart out. Not only is sharing a good laugh fun and exciting, but it can also do wonders for nearly every aspect of your being, including your mind, body, and spirit.
And before you think I am cuckoo, here’s not just one but 10 impressive benefits of laughing.

1) Laugh - It Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
It’s no hearsay - recent research has shown that individuals who laugh regularly have a lower risk of hypertension. More so, they have lower blood pressure than regular folks. Interestingly, laughter does jerk up your blood pressure momentarily before lowering it below normal. So, watch a funny movie or consider a tickle fest with your little one; they are amazing for your blood pressure!
(2) Laugh - It Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Living a life riddled with anxiety and stress can certainly take a toll on your mind and body. Luckily, laughter can help. Studies have shown that laughing can significantly reduce the level of stress hormones like cortisol.
(3) Laugh - It’s Great for Your Mood
Mood swings can put a huge damper on your day. So, laugh a little. It’ll ramp up the levels of “feel-good” hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. This, in turn, can uplift your mood.
(4) Laugh - It’s Good for your Heart’s Health
That’s right. Laughter gets your heart ticking. In fact, it helps you burn as many calories as walking at a slow pace. I don’t know about you, but anything that’s even slightly good for my heart, I am game for it.
(5) Laugh - It Can do Wonders for your Immunity
It’s been scientifically proven that laughing on a regular basis can boost your immune (T) cells and disease-fighting antibodies, on top of decreasing harmful stress hormones. This can help you fight off illnesses better, and stay healthy.
(6) Laugh - It’s a Great Pain Reliever
It’s no secret that over-the-counter and prescription pain relief drugs do have side effects and can be addictive. Thankfully, laughter can help you alleviate pain without any of that.
(7) Laugh - It Adds Pizzazz and Joy to your Life
You don’t need to be reminded that people who laugh are fun and joy to be with. So, share a good laugh with your friends, it’s great for your social life.
(8) Laugh - It Promotes Bonding
If you don’t have a great relationship with your sibling, kid or parents, laughter can help break the ice and bring you closer.
(9) Laugh - It Relaxes your Muscles
Is there anything that feels better than relaxing?
(10) Live Longer
Doctors have discovered that people who have a positive attitude have a better sense of well-being and tend to live longer.
Need I say more? So, break into a smile, laugh, and enjoy a healthier, happier life! What’s your reason to laugh today?